甘肃省公安厅设计Gansu Province Public Security Department design

——对形式、文化的完美演绎 Perfect Deduce Of Form And Culture

    来自BlueTeam分享的消息。更多关于他们:BlueTeam Appreciation towards Blue Architects for providing the following description:




    Project site is located in the south of the Yellow River a mile away, in the city, east wing, is the core area of lanzhou city ChengGuanOu.An existing high-rise residential in the north, the south is the park, the west is a branch of reserve land, are planning second residential area in the east.


    ▽沿街透视图,Perspective along the street




    Gansu province public security department provides a multi-functional facilities, sports venues, training venues, pool, etc., to improve the office environment.


    ▽ 功能分区,Functional partition












    clear by installments. A phase of the second phase balance layout, a phase construction covers business technology USES a room, office space. separate, each other. Window room is a piece, administrative office and housing is a piece of businesstechnology, the canteen hall is a piece of, police supplies repository is a piece of. Buildings for phase iiare separate pieces. a neat layout.







    In axial symmetry, the south is square, building is located on the two axis, the other two block is located in the north, along the north-south axis of symmetry.


    ▽实体模型,Entity model






    Open space: the design of the Gansu province public security department ago about 40 square meters, are in the park, fully embodies the construction of public buildings, solemn silence, walk in the square can experience a sense of changes with buildings close to. Square, a strong trails floor emphasized this kind of feeling. Trails on both sides is the fountain pool, green space, parks, landscape layout is neat founder, have extremely strong solemn feeling, also have a certain affinity.Illicit close space: backyard square water features, landscaping, sports venue on the west side, on the east side concentrated green land, landscape, and also provides some place for leisure sports.



    ▽ 鸟瞰图,birdview






    项目名称: 甘肃省公安厅设计方案

    项目规模: 189,664 M2
    项目位置 : 甘肃
    规划团队: BLUETEAM
    参与者: 田源培 唐欢 吉祥 马舒


    Name of project: Gansu Province Public Security Department Architectural design
    Size: 189,664 M2
    Location : GANSU
    Planning Leader: BLUETEAM


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    Project Label/项目标签


    Design/设计: BlueTeam

    Location/位置:甘肃 GANSHU 

    Type/类型:公建 Public

    Label/标签 :对称 Symmetry


© Blue Architects