开县假日酒店Holiday inn in kaixian county

——极具能量的集会场所The place Full of Energy

    来自BlueTeam分享的消息。更多关于他们:BlueTeam Appreciation towards Blue Architects for providing the following description:





    This project is located in kaixian county of chongqing city han feng lake, han feng lake in the north. So this case include catering entertainment, leisure shopping, etc. Mainly leisure entertainment forms. The whole environment of business is located in the garden, people is blended in among them, or stop, or walk, enjoy the comfortable and enjoyable shopping experience.


    ▽ 形体生成,the  generation of volume









    沿河天际线丰富了城市景观。Skyline enrich the city landscape along the river.



    ▽ 入口透视,The entry perspective







    This design gives people from charging, dense urban environment have a rest also provides the location of the community party, the interaction of nature and urban space created a stronghold of the outdoor activities and have fun.


    ▽ 商业露台,Commercial terrace





    Surrounded the building volume and the vitality of business circle make them sensitive to surrounding environment, open space design provided the space of shoppers stay.








    The scattering of the place of the vitality and energy, and provide people with a brilliant rich dining and entertainment experience, here is the most popular place.


    ▽ 鸟瞰图,birdview





    Using multi-layered roof terrace, to increase the commercial business space and stimulate business activity.






    In the evening, the lights on, the dappled light spilled out through the building, make the wholebuilding become a beautiful scenery line in the city, attracting people to explore.







    项目类型: 商业
    项目规模: 80,987 M2
    项目位置 : 重庆
    规划团队: BLUETEAM
    参与者: 庞博 程太祥 刘洪君  刘林祥  李唐涛  罗燚


    Name of project: Holiday inn in kaixian county
    Type: Commerce
    Size: 80,987M2
    Location : CHONGQINQ
    Planning Leader: BLUETEAM






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    Project Label/项目标签


    Design/设计: BlueTeam

    Location/位置:重庆 ChongQing 

    Type/类型:商业 Commerce

    Label/标签 :体验Experience


© Blue Architects